jcol4532@nordnet.com: Greetings! I’ll be your Ethics Liaison for this project.
apez0838@nordnet.com: Ethics Liaison? Have you ever heard about one of those?
Ariel was genuinely puzzled. He tilted his head, further developing the visual similarity between him and a small yet inquisitive canine.
jcol4532@nordnet.com: Test run. We’ve discussed it multiple times. You’d have noticed, if you were the kind of person who was … personable.
apez0838@nordnet.com: I’m not?
[She scoffs.]
jcol4532@nordnet.com: You can be good with people as individuals without being good with people, period, Dr. Aftab. But, yes, I can see you’re very eager to get me out of here – I will be out of your hair as much as you’ll let me.
[She straightens herself out, and her height shows itself.]
jcol4532@nordnet.com: I’ll put it this way: You’re delving into dangerous territory, you have the responsibility for a lot of people, and the fact that you’re this severely nonplussed just from being told that there are limits to what you are allowed to do at NORDSEE tells me all I need to know about how much you need me.
jcol4532@nordnet.com: Tell you what. I’m your lifeline. And while you’re playing your … science experiments, there are people putting their lives on the line based on the research you make in here. If there’s a risk, I’m going to know about it. Whatever you think about security; forget it. And don’t even get me started on ethics. Do you know how many fucking times I’ve had to tell an egghead – [she pulls down her glasses] – that someone’s now a widow, an orphan, because their spouse or parent didn’t have someone running proper procedures for handling highly hazardous substances?
apez0838@nordnet.com: Probably a lot. Jay, you must have a very impressive resumé. But really, I don’t need people questioning my competence like this.
jcol4532@nordnet.com: I’m not questioning your competence, I’m putting its existence into question. And it is very impressive, college boy. You’ve read a lot of books, probably held a spectacular PhD defence. Was that last year, or the year before?
apez0838@nordnet.com: Long enough ago that I’ve gotten tired of being told what to do. I’m filling out reports, I’m looking out for my team, what the hell –
jcol4532@nordnet.com: Pink light. Ring a bell?
apez0838@nordnet.com: Yes.
jcol4532@nordnet.com: And you are in a Secure Site doing research into something that is, essentially, Scientology on steroids. And is known for having weird and funky interactions with that kind of thing.
[She pauses.]
jcol4532@nordnet.com: ... Have you seen what happens to people, when that pink light hits them?
apez0838@nordnet.com: Well, I’ve heard stories.
jcol4532@nordnet.com: Very good. And I can see that you did not worry about the body. Or any of it. Because you’re smart, right? You’re not like those stupid researchers that got themselves killed from playing around with something they didn’t understand. I’ll contain it. I’ll contain it so much better than those brainlets.
apez0838@nordnet.com: ... brainlet?
jcol4532@nordnet.com: At least you aren’t a completely lost cause. This thing is getting worse year by year, isn’t it? We need you.
apez0838@nordnet.com: It is. If you saw the stats … man.
jcol4532@nordnet.com: I have seen them. Awful.
apez0838@nordnet.com: Isn’t it? God, you wouldn’t believe it. I’m working with the GOC on this, TacTheo, I think even Surrealistics are going to be on board?
jcol4532@nordnet.com: That last one I’m less familiar with.
apez0838@nordnet.com: Most are. And – trust me, please trust me – they know exactly what they’re doing. Which means I don’t. With them, I don’t have to, because I trust them.
jcol4532@nordnet.com: That vouch carries a lot.
apez0838@nordnet.com: I wouldn’t if I weren’t sure.