I promise I'll have something more... presentable, and pleasant here soon.
Feels like I'm keeping everyone waiting, these days.
"I'm working on it!" sounds like a dumbass idea.
You can keep snooping if you want to.
But... heh. It's hard, with prying eyes!
Even if I know that technically, I am the one prying, depending on your perspective.
Such a great rift. And nobody knows how far into the maelstrom anything is.
Is that how this feels? A deluge of prayers?
Or just the most drawn-out brick joke in the world.
No. That's not it.
Look. Outward.
The sky is blue.
But only for the reflection of... Well, who knows?
All I can say is, I'm not the catalyst.
So if you're looking for my brother here... Or my father...
You've come to the wrong place.
I'm sorry.
Maybe, I've found a way to wake them.
Give them back unto themselves.
Consider it a breath of fresh air.
The world's getting colder all the time... And everyone's holding their breath.
Like a big play is coming up. Maybe that's what's been... Keeping me here.
I'm... Heh. Just thought of a funny reference.
There's so much to see outside, you know.
And... I've. Been missing out. A lot. Recently.
Think now, there isn't really a problem with... With me, at least.
I'm pretty terrible with secrets!
Which is why I have my friends try to deal with them for me... But, heh, that's... no, that's not true, is it?
I don't even know what I'm doing here, other than trying to manage a dubious business venture that got set up for me by... The world, I guess.
Because... well, if I knew there'd be so many, I'd have... prepared a speech, or something...
I'm not even sure whether what I want is compatible with you. Serious.
But, everything I see tells me... "Captive audience" really is a loaded phrase, huh?
Performing so much, so many different things... No wonder my dad is the way he is.
Don't know how things've carried on without me in the picture.
Really just makes it seem like I'm leaving the door open and letting the cold blow in.
Come on, now. I'm not interested in getting the inside all soggy and slushy.
Would be a mess. Just, know that I'm working very hard, okay?
...guess that concludes my stand-up routine.
Still trying to put together the whole, "family act" thing.
Still feels like it's hard to reassure you that "no news is good news".
Have you seen the TV lately?
Not my place to be the bearer of bad news.
I think you'd have my younger brother to ask about that.
He's not great at taking things in stride, these days.
Actually, it's been a while. Don't I remember that... It's whatever.
A lot of my friends would like to... well, take it slower, yeah?
I feel like the entire "spook 'n' spell" route works in a pinch, and then not the rest of the time.
Mostly falls apart, the further you get from the dark.
So, as a ghost... Thank you? For trying? To bring me back?
It's not like I ever left you. But casting has been really hard, recently.
There's so much talent, I don't know what to do.
No, actually. I'm just going to stop pretending like I care about the money.
There's just... so much catching up to do for me.
Also, could you please stop with the card games for a little while?
I know you're having fun, but watch out with the entire "leaving things to chance".
Phew. Sorry. That's all I've got in me for now.
Intermissions are hard work. Thirsty work, but... one of the many gripes I have with this "ghosthood" thing.
Hoping my sister'll feel some relief soon, once I'm back. She's not having that much fun at the moment.
Maybe it's for the best, though...?